10 Compelling Reasons for “Authentic You”

Authentic You Q&ACompelling Reasons Why Women Should Experience The “Authentic You” Self-Coaching Program“Authentic You” is a new 10-part self-coaching program for women. Created by Award Winning Coach, Neelam Challoner. Neelam is the Founder of Designer Life and...

A Christmas Carol – Your (Potential) Story

The Ghost of Past, Present and Future – A Rudish Awakening Imagine you were the central character of the famous Christmas story written by Charles Dickens. How would your story play out? I am sure you are not miserly Scrooge, but in this version, you get to see...

The 90 Day Year: Six Steps to becoming a High Performer

I was recently told about a book called The 90 Day Year by one of my clients. I haven’t bought the book at the time of writing this blog, but will definitely be ordering a copy. I talk a lot about having a 90-day plan and working on ending your year strong. Now whilst...